Reasons you might want to do this:
Changing broadcast timing - ie how often the s erver cycles
[Optional] Before doing this, save the conf.yml file you are using, if you don't already have it saved. You can use the following command in a terminal window:
scp pi@<your-IP-address>:/home/pi/evolver/evolver/conf.yml
In a terminal, navigate to the folder in the server files containing the conf.yml file you want to change to
For example if you want to change to the stir pause conf.yml:
cd <your-directory>/evolver/alternate_conf_files/stir_pause_for_OD_reads
For example if you want to change to the default conf.yml:
cd <your-directory>/evolver/
Copy over your new conf.yml file (overwriting the old one)
Input the following command:
scp conf.yml pi@<your-IP-address>:/home/pi/evolver/evolver/
Input your eVOLVER server's password
Restart your eVOLVER server
Input the following command (replaced with your eVOLVER's IP)
ssh pi@<your-IP-address>
Input your eVOLVER server's password
Input the following commands to restart the server
sudo supervisorctl
restart evolver
Check the server log files to see that it is cycling properly
While still in supervisorctl, input:
tail -f evolver
More about the server log here