The min-eVOLVER was originally conceived of as a minimal apparatus to conduct phage-assisted continuous evolution (PACE). Thus it has two bioreactors (eVOLVER Smart Sleeves): one for a "host cell reservoir" and one for a "lagoon". It also has six pumps: four for bulk media in and out of the two Smart Sleeves and two for fine control over inducers into the lagoon.
However, base min-eVOLVER can be used for most continuous culture scenarios, such as turbidostat and chemostat. It can also be readily adapted to new experiments.
The software architecture of the min-eVOLVER is similar to the original eVOLVER, with the exceptions that:
The Raspberry Pi server has been replaced with a server run on the connected laptop
A single Arduino SAMD21 actuates all functions and collects vial data through the min-eVOLVER board
Maximum current draw* = 2 Amps
Power supply voltage = 12V
Maximum power draw = 24W
*Maximum current draw was measured from a bench-top power supply with the heaters fully on, all pumps running, and stirring on. Instantaneous spikes in current could be higher when pumps and stirring start up
Especially if you plan to run multiple (>4) min-eVOLVERs off of one power strip, make sure you have a power strip that is rated for more than enough current. Most power strips are rated for 15A, but you should check.
The min-eVOLVER is a minimal, mini version of the main eVOLVER. It runs in the same software ecosystem with minimal changes to the code. However, the min-eVOLVER controls two eVOLVER Smart Sleeves and six pumps, making it simpler, smaller, and less costly.
Currently the min-eVOLVER does not use the eVOLVER GUI. All experiments must be started with the command line. Sending commands without an experiment is done through send_command.py.
If you have questions not answered by the wiki please ask in the relevant min-eVOLVER category on the forum.
min-eVOLVERs may not be purchased as a product at this time. Instead min-eVOLVER parts must be acquired individually and assembled.
Soldering iron + solder - pumps will need to be soldered in place
Ability to through-hole solder
Can be self-taught quickly through YouTube videos
Screw drivers
Phillips #1 (short handle)
Flat head #1.5 or smaller
Ideally, some kind of clamp, vice grip, etc.
For making ribbon cables to connect the electronics
If nothing else, a hammer or pair of pliers will suffice
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