ATTiny1634 Writing
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Last updated
For upgrading an Arduino so that it can program another microcontroller
Tried to upload blink to Arduino Uno and got this error
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x58
Had to remove all wires going to Arduino ports and unplug usb before it would upload
Map of controller pins in on the microcontroller
Load up ArduinoISP (in the Arduino IDE examples) onto the programmer Arduino
Download C code for ATtiny from here:
Navigate to the folder containing ATtiny code (lightsense.c)
avr-gcc -g -Os -mmcu=attiny1634 -c lightsense.c avr-gcc -g -mmcu=attiny1634 -o lightsense.elf lightsense.o avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex lightsense.elf lightsense.hex avrdude -p t1634 -P <Your Arduino Port> -c arduino -b 19200 -U flash:w:lightsense.hex -v -v -v -v
From <>
Replace <Your Arduino Port> with the port used by your Arduino (found in IDE under Tools>Port)
avrdude -p t1634 -P COM9 -c arduino -b 19200 -U flash:w:lightsense.hex -v -v -v -v
avr-gcc -g -Os -mmcu=attiny1634 -c LEDblink.c avr-gcc -g -mmcu=attiny1634 -o LEDblink.elf LEDblink.o avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex LEDblink.elf LEDblink.hex avrdude -p t1634 -P COM9 -c arduino -b 19200 -U flash:w:LEDblink.hex -v -v -v -v