Construction Protocol
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It may be helpful to have the parts page open as well, so you can identify what you need for each step.
Measure ribbon cables and mark length (figure below A)
5" ribbon cable for pump board to min-eVOLVER PCB connection
Two 4" ribbon cables for smart sleeve PCB to min-eVOLVER PCB connection
Cut ribbon cables to size using scissors or razor.
Open the connector and align to the end of the ribbon cable (figure below B)
The connectors should both have the knob on the same side (figure below A, red arrows)
You can apply pressure to the connector so that it stays in place as you work with it
Crimp on ribbon cable connectors (one on each side of cable)
Be careful not to break the connectors, they're fragile!
The easiest way crimp these connectors is to use a clamp or vice, unless you have a specialized tool (figure below C)
Place the connector in the center of the clamp (making sure it remains in the right location)
Tighten clamp until sides of connector are flush and it is full closed (figure below D)
You can also , but this is more annoying / prone to breaking the connectors
Unscrew the 3 screws on the top of the case (figure below, left)
Unscrew the 2 screws on the bottom (figure below, right) and unscrew the right middle rubber foot (yellow arrow)
Solder 2x8 ribbon cable connector into pump PCB, screw pumps into front of case, and solder pumps into pump PCB.
Use the below video:
Surface mount soldering of the min-eVOLVER PCB is outside of the scope of this guide. It is assumed that you have an already assembled min-eVOLVER PCB.
Place the 2x12-pin header on a workbench with the flat (non conical) side of the pins up (figure below A). Place the SAMD21 board on top of it
You can also carefully plug the SAMD21 into a breadboard if you want to avoid it moving
Carefully solder the SAMD21 board pins.
Avoid adding too much solder so that it globs onto the small electronic components!
Start with the four corners to lock it flat in place on the header
Solder all pins
If you want to be extra careful, only solder half the pins on a side before switching to the other side (to avoid overheating the board)
Make sure that each pin is individual and no solder has reached the electronic components on the board surface
Press the SAMD21 board into the min-eVOLVER PCB until you feel a click and the SAMD21 sits mostly flush
Micro-USB port should be on edge of board
Carefully align the pins with the sockets
Slide the shorting jumpers onto the right two pins for each vial (see figure below C)
OD90 = OD LED and photodiode at 90 degrees from eachother
OD135 = OD LED and photodiode at 135 degrees from eachother
By default, we choose to use OD90 for our vials, which is typically better at measuring higher ODs > 0.4 and is what most people want
You can also place the jumper across the left two pins for each vial, meaning you will register OD135. You will need to make different OD calibrations for OD135 and OD90
Place min-eVOLVER PCB on standoffs. Screw 1/4" screws into the front left and back right corners (figure A below)
Plug the 5" ribbon cable in to the pumps and to the ribbon cable port to the left of the SAMD21 (figure B below)
Close the case and replace the 5 screws and rubber foot that you had removed previously (figure C below)
If your smart sleeves came disassembled:
See general smart sleeve construction guide here
Firmly push the OD LED and photodiodes in to the smart sleeve
Do not use the acrylic base plate (clear plastic below the computer fan)
If your smart sleeves came assembled:
Unscrew them enough to remove the acrylic base plate. Keep the fan spacer on (figure A below)
We will also not use the acrylic base plate and instead directly screw our smart sleeves to the case
Screw the smart sleeves into the min-eVOLVER (figure B below)
It can be easier to tighten each screw a little at a time to avoid misalignment
Do not over tighten screws, go until smart sleeves are firmly in place
Plug 3.5" ribbon cables into back of smart sleeves and to the min-eVOLVER (figure C below)
Place vial cover over vials (figure D below)